5 Tips for Christmas Dinner

Making Christmas Dinner 2015 The Best Of All Your Dinners

This Christmas, if you really want to outdo yourself and show your family and friends you have the culinary skills of Gordon Ramsay or Rachel Ray, you can whip up some dishes that you may have done once or twice, but no one else has tried yet. With a presentation that is so fanciful and equally tantalizing aromas coming from your kitchen, you’ll certainly impress your loved ones.
Christmas table place setting

5 Tips for Coordinating Your Evening

1. Our favorite suggestions for protein are seafood or lamb. These two proteins are generally not as commonly used on a regular basis like chicken or beef. They can also be very beautifully plated, just like how you are served at fine restaurants.

2. Whatever marinade or sauce or spice rub you cook your meat with, do not let it overpower the delicateness of your protein. You want excellent flavor without losing the taste of the fresh, tender meat.

3. Then you’ll want to make sure you have some carbs like rice or pasta or potatoes, as well as some vegetables to round out the dish for a balanced meal. Remember though, the meat is the star of your dish. Portion and ratio the pieces of your dish appropriately.

4. Never be ashamed to follow another recipe or cookbook as a guide; after all, you do want to make sure you do not mis-measure or overcook any ingredients! All cooks and chefs work off each other’s recipes and that’s how they continue to get better, as will you.

5. For best results, use high-quality ingredients. Christmas dinner for 2015 is one that we highly anticipate to be tasty, delightful, and merry, and we cannot wait to sit down at your table to see what you have artfully prepared! Invite Premier Meat Company proteins into your Christmas dinner and realize your evening’s full culinary potential.