Our Wild-Caught Seafood Badge

Line-Caught Seafood: The How and Why

The seafood offered at Premier Meat Company is all wild-caught. This means that the fish are caught in a lure or baited hook that is towed behind a slow-moving boat. This is a most-sustainable method of fishing, as it avoids over-fishing and by-catch that is associated with large-scale, commercial trawling nets.
All seafood at premier meat company is sustainably sourced; it is line caught in the wild by pro fishermen

Are there really plenty of fish in the sea?

Over-fishing (when an abundance of fish are caught at a faster rate than they can reproduce) is a major problem today, not only because it limits the availability of fish as food to humans and raises prices, but also because it is damaging to our oceans and ecosystems. You see, fishermen first go after our favorite seafood like salmon and seabass. But when these populations begin to deplete, fishermen have to start fishing another type of fish. Many fish thrive (and prey) on each other. When one is fished, many are in danger.

By-catch is also another major problem. This is when fishermen get unwanted fish and other animals among their fish catch. For example, a fisherman releases a net looking to catch a lot of shrimp, which he does. However, he also gets some fish, crabs, turtles, even large mammals like dolphins. These undesirable animals suffer; sometimes they are released back to the wild but sometimes, they die. By-catch isn’t an occasional occurrence for fishermen, it’s a daily thing for them.

The Importance of Buying Sustainably

As a consumer, it is important to be aware that the seafood products you buy have longer-term effects. Essentially, if you want to keep enjoying fresh mahi mahi and yellowtail 50 years from now at a price point that is still what it is now, or even lower, you can start to offer your support for more sustainable fishing practices by purchasing seafood that are sourced from these eco-conscious fishermen.

Make it a resolution to consume foods that come from farms and ecosystems that are managed by sustainable practices. Start today by going placing your order of fresh line-caught seafood at PremierMeatCompany.com/Market.