Category Archives: Blog

Our Gluten-Free Badge

What is Gluten Free? When a product is labeled “gluten-free” it means that it does not contain the protein substance that is found in many grains such as wheat, as well as other foods. Gluten is what gives dough the elastic texture. Some people have an allergic reaction to gluten or it makes them sick, […]

Buying Better Meat — Online

Finding Quality Meat When you’re at the grocery store buying meat, how long do you linger in that refrigerated section looking for the right meat that you want? If we had to guess, we’re betting you take the following into consideration before making your final selection: ● Type of meat (beef, chicken, pork) ● Type […]

Done With Dungeness For Now, Pick Your Fish

You may have heard by now that California’s crab season has been delayed until further notice. There is a toxic algae growing that is contaminating California’s beloved Dungeness crabs. Any Dungeness crab that you might find at the market or on a restaurant menu will be priced higher since it’s imported from other places. That […]

Making the Perfect Christmas Steak

The Perfect Christmas Steak One of the more disappointing things about holiday dinners is when the food that looks and smells so promising, does not deliver taste-wise. It’s such a tease to your eyes and nose but when you take a bite you’re just let down altogether. It definitely has the potential to dampen the […]

Our USDA Prime Steaks Badge

BADGE: USDA PRIME When you’re dining on a steak at a fine restaurant, do you ever notice the menu labels your selection as “USDA Prime?” Sometimes you see this sticker on some beefs at the grocery store. You tell yourself,” that probably means it’s good,” but do you know what that label really means? Since […]

A Weight-Watcher’s Guide To Christmas Dinner

Eating Healthy at Christmas Dinner Thanksgiving just passed and Christmas and New Years are right around the corner. Three holidays that involve excessive eating and drinking combined with happiness but also a little bit of guilt and body consciousness. Well, for all you weight-watchers out there, you shouldn’t shy away from your favorite food (like […]

Ordering Food Online

The Convenience Of Ordering Food Online Society is moving in a much more fast-paced, quick-access direction that time is growing more valuable. People spend more time on our phones when they walk, when they’re at dinner, when they’re lying in bed about to sleep. People seek convenience. No one wants to waste time in line, […]

Turkey: The New Christmas Tradition

Having Turkey for Christmas Dinner Just because Thanksgiving is dedicated to turkey doesn’t mean it can’t also be enjoyed for Christmas! If you want a second-go at cooking this bird to perfection, follow these tips to avoid drying out the turkey and drying out the party: 1. Always purchase a fresh turkey, not a frozen […]

Our Omega-3 Seafood Badge

Omega-3: The Fat You Do Want When it comes to fat, Omega-3 is one that you actually want for your body. Omega-3 fatty acids are available as supplements, but nutritionists often recommend people consume naturally-containing Omega-3 foods like salmon and trout if possible. When it comes to health benefits, the functions of Omega-3 are incredibly […]

Quality Meats for Christmas Dinner

Restaurant Style Christmas Dinner Right At Home Having a high-end restaurant dining experience is not at all hard to replicate in your own home. From service to food to decor, it’s all very manageable and much more affordable. Plus, Christmas dining is much cozier at home than in a restaurant. Here are some tips to […]