I Dream Of Being The Best Home Cook

We’ll Help with Your New Year’s Resolution.

This is one New Years resolution that should be on everyone’s list: learning to cook well. At some point in life, each person realizes the importance of learning how to cook themselves delicious food at home; even the simplest dishes can compare with an extravagant night out. And let’s be honest, who wouldn’t love culinary exploration in the kitchen and on the taste buds? Cooking like a professional chef is not impossible to accomplish, as long as you have a good source of knowledge, and Premier Meat Company has made it it’s goal to provide our readers with all the knowledge needed to make their resolution a successful one.
Our education will help you achieve

The Secret Ingredients to Being a Successful Home Chef

The Right Ingredients
Always choose the freshest ingredients, from produce to dairy to meat. If possible, source organic and locally-grown or raised produce or proteins, because the journey your food takes to your shopping cart is as important as the transformation it has in your kitchen. You will notice the difference in quality. Also, avoid frozen and pre-prepared ingredients as much as possible too. Don’t forget to pick up the basics like olive oil, garlic, salt, and pepper, and any extra seasonings and spices.

The Right Equipment
Obviously having a chef’s kitchen isn’t as plausible as what you already have in your kitchen, but you’ll come to realize that what you do have will work just fine. You’ll always want to have a good set of sharp knives (read our various kitchen knife articles here), a couple of cutting boards, a dependable oven, a stove whose temperatures are accurate to the dials, and a variety of pots and pans.

If you get your dish just right the first time, that’s wonderful and you should be very excited! If not, not to worry! Achieving 100% success the first time around is a rarity. As with anything, it takes a few tries to get it right. You make adjustments based on trial and error. If you’re determined to get better, you will get better. It’s the attitude that counts!

Premier Meat Cooking Education

Premier Meat Company can help you get the best proteins to cook with. Just visit our online store at PremierMeatCompany.com/Market to shop the selections. Visit the blog section of our website for regular updates and exciting news, and our recipes page is always flowing with new material. Many fine dining restaurants get their meats from Premier Meat Company so you can be assured your order will be that same great quality! Let Premier Meat Company help you achieve this wonderful 2016 resolution of yours!