Cooking Your Steak to Perfection

What is at Stake

Steaks can be so very delicious, yet it can also easily be cooked wrong which ultimately is quite the let down for the person who is going to be eating it. In order to cook the perfect steak – perfect as in to the doneness you desire – you’re going to need a few things:

● An outdoor grill or a griddle pan made of cast iron
● A meat thermometer
● 1-inch steaks
● Your choice of seasoning, sauce, or marinade
Premier Meat Company Porterhouse dry age steaks come one inch thick and ready to grill to perfection! USDA Choice beef delivery fresh meat to your door.

What’s Done is Not Always Done

You can test the doneness of a fresh cut steak by touch. Press on the steak in the thickest part, but do not cut into it. Then press each finger to the thumb – middle finger to thumb pressure will be the same pressure you feel on the steak for a rare cook. Ring finger to thumb is medium.

However, the easier way to test wellness is to have that handy meat thermometer. Cook the steak on both sides, then remove it from the grill and insert the thermometer. If it’s not yet at your desired temperature, return it back to the grill.

For a 1-inch steak cooked on the grill:

● Rare – cook about 4 minutes on each side. Internal temperature should be 130-135 Fahrenheit.
● Medium rare – cook about 5 minutes on each side. Internal temperature should be 140 Fahrenheit.
● Medium – cook about 6-7 minutes on each side. Internal temperature should be 155 Fahrenheit.
● Well done – cook about 7-8 minutes on each side. Internal temperature should be 165 Fahrenheit.

Once your steak is cooked perfectly, you must wait a few minutes before cutting into it! Why? This will allow the juices to spread evenly throughout the steak again to ensure juiciness in every bite. Tent your steak in foil and put aside for at least five minutes for it to soak up its juices.

That meat thermometer is not a deal-breaker to cooking the perfect steak, but it sure is quite the handy instrument in the kitchen. You can use it to check the wellness of other meats too, like roast porks and whole chickens.

Perfect Steaks for the Perfect Doneness

To order fresh steaks, visit our online store and place your order today. Our steaks come fresh, 1″ thick and ready to grill to your desired doneness!